The Venture Center team is passionate about entrepreneurship and thrives on the hard work and creativity required to make ideas into viable businesses. We love partnering with people across the state and throughout the world to build better businesses and stronger communities. Get to know our team and learn why we love being here. We have an open door policy, so come for a visit any time.
Meet Nora Hellmers, Logistics Coordinator for The Venture Center. We need her hard work and dedication here at The Venture Center, and appreciate everything she does. Thank you Nora!
Why are you at The Venture Center?

I am here, at The Venture Center, to grow my network of people, help The Venture Center be the best entrepreneurial service organization in the world, and learn more about the entrepreneur world.
Tell us something nobody knows about you.
I helped my family raise two explosive detection dogs for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The dogs are named after 9/11 victims and when they are born their litter is given a letter. In their names they have two first letters, one identifying their litter and one to start their name. Our first dog Goody (black lab) did not graduate from the program due to severe allergies, but we got to adopt her back from the program (which they do not normally allow). Our second dog Llarson (vizsla/lab mix) graduated from the program and worked at the Minneapolis airport. When he came back to Texas and retired from work we were lucky enough to adopt him back.
What is your favorite motivational quote and who’s your mentor?
I have two favorite quotes the first one is, “there may be people that have more talent than you, but there’s no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do.”-Derek Jeter
My second favorite quote is, “Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect. It means you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.” This quote has stuck with me since high school. Even on your lowest lows you always have to find a bit of happiness because a little bit of happiness goes a long way.
My mentor in life is my sister, Addie. Not only is my sister brilliantly smart she has also shown various characteristics that make me look up to her. She is currently getting her PhD at Penn State in Integrative and Biomedical Physiology. She has continued to do things to break out of her comfort zone, which for her and myself is hard to do. She has also continued to follow her passions, science and dogs, this has shown me to continue to follow what I love through life. One large lesson she has taught me is to brush off the small things and remember not everything can be perfect. This was a huge lesson for me because I am an OCD perfectionist.
What are your hobbies?
I love working out each morning, it relieves my stress/anxiety and gets my day started on the right note. I also really enjoy cooking meals as well as baking. My specialty in baking is brownies or chocolate chip cookies.
If you were a fair food, what would you be?
If I was a fair food I would be a deep fried Reeses. This is one of my favorite candy bars and having it deep fried makes it 10x better.
What is the best piece of advice you ever received?
The best piece of advice I ever received was from my parents. They always told me and still do tell me to remember my worth in life. I keep this with me because as I travel through life I always need to remember how I should be treated.