VCWoman Achieve 2025 Mentee Spotlight – Serreta Boson

Posted on January 29, 2025
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Name: Serreta Boson | Business/Profession: Founder & CEO, Sarge’s Famous Pickles

Please share a little about your background, personally and/or professionally.

After being told I could no longer work, I started my own company Sarge’s Famous Pickles Co. I took a family recipe for sweet with a little heat pickle and started a pickling company. It is exciting to be a part of the marketplace where women are coming to the forefront. Where we are being celebrated and motivated to be innovators and creators.

Please share about your business, where it’s located, and what led you to starting it.

Sarge’s Famous Pickles is located in Sherwood, AR. Life handed me lemons, and I made pickles. I was diagnosed with epilepsy in 1999. My seizures got worse. 2010 they found a tumor on my brain. I had brain surgery 2016 and was told I could no longer work. I was devastated. But I am a fighter. I have GUMPTION. I started my company based off my Dad’s pickle recipe.

What goals do you hope to achieve for your business during your time in VCWoman Achieve?

I am ready to scale. I am ready to be an established company. I am ready for the NEXT.

What drew you to being part of a mentorship group specifically curated for non-men? How has being a woman or non-binary individual impacted your journey as an entrepreneur?

It is different not only being a woman but being a woman of color. For the being the FIRST in your family to take chance to do something that only some have dreamed about. Nothing in life is easy, but being a black woman entrepreneur is like a second nature to me. I don’t take no for an answer. There’s always another way or different route.

What are three things you enjoy doing outside of work?

I love MINISTRY. I am an ordained minister. I love my family. And I love Da Aunties (my group of friends).

What is your favorite part about being an entrepreneur?

All of it …. lol. I love marketing and sales.