Meet the Founder | Kathleen Lawson of Sprinkles & Spice
Welcome to our Spark! Meet the Founder series, where we introduce you to the amazing entrepreneurs who are participating in our 2022 Fall Spark! program with a quick Q&A!
Spark! is a small business accelerator that puts the right people, opportunities, and access in place for local entrepreneurs in Arkansas to take their venture to the next level.
Please meet Kathleen Lawson, founder of Sprinkles & Spice, a North Little Rock-based bakery.
The Venture Center: Tell us about Sprinkles & Spice!
Kathleen Lawson: Sprinkles & Spice is a North Little Rock-based cottage bakery specializing in customer cakes, cupcakes, cocoa bombs and other specialty treats.
Why did you choose to become an entrepreneur?
I was inspired to start my business while launching the $10 Challenge, a high school entrepreneurship competition led Economics Arkansas where I serve as Executive Director. I was intrigued by stories of high school students starting microbusinesses with just a $10 investment
What are your biggest challenges as a business owner?
My biggest challenge is trying to manage growth while wearing multiple hats as a wife and mom, nonprofit executive, and small business owner.
What do you hope for the future of your business?
My long-term vision is that Sprinkles & Spice is subsidiary of a much bigger brand of businesses that helps supports both bakers and customers in a variety of ways.
What are you proudest of so far?
I am most proud of the unexpected interest my own children have taken into the world of entrepreneurship as a result of watching me grow my business. My nine-year-old will often say, “mom, let’s go work on our businesses together.” For him, that means working on his graphic novel series at the table while I am baking a few feet away in the kitchen.
What do you hope to gain from Spark?
I am at a critical inflection point as I imagine the next phase of my business and am excited about how Spark can help accelerate that process.
Huge thanks to Kathleen for participating in Spark! We can’t wait to see your business grow!