VCWoman Achieve 2025 Mentee Spotlight – Trisha Snyder

Name: Trisha Snyder | Business/Profession: Chef & Owner, The Utopia Deli
Please share a little about your background, personally and/or professionally.
I was born and raised in Fairbanks Alaska, and Moved to Arkansas in 2013. Since establishing myself in the culinary industry early 2019 I have built a Food Truck buisness The Utopia Deli, and have grown it for 3 years. I currently operate as the head chef.
Please share about your business, where it’s located, and what led you to starting it.
The Utopia Deli Food Truck is located in Little Rock, Arkansas, and opened 4/20/2021. The road to starting was a long one, which included opening first as a ghost kitchen. This idea was extremely innovative for that time period, and launched me into a successful business model for saving the funds to open our food truck! Once open, I was able to fine tune scheduling events, execution of food service, and source some amazing local ingredients in which to create a wonderful menu, and experience for customers.
What goals do you hope to achieve for your business during your time in VCWoman Achieve?
For the short term, I hope to learn as much as possible about the business side of the food service industry. Having a mentor would be an invaluable resource for someone as thirsty for knowledge as I am. Learning how to properly scale my business without taking on too much debt, or dealing with shady contractors for example. Long term I also hope to learn enough to be able to give back one day. I would aspire to be a mentor myself one day, as I have a great passion for helping other people.
What drew you to being part of a mentorship group specifically curated for non-men? How has being a woman or non-binary individual impacted your journey as an entrepreneur?
The immediate appeal for a group such as this for me was safety. In all woman’s spaces, I feel safe to be vulnerable and open about my experiences, because of our similarities rather than despite our differences. I have always sought after safe spaces because of some terrible experiences I have had in the past with non-woman. I am beyond thankful for an opportunity to learn from powerful, intelligent, woman who can give leadership without having underlying ulterior motives.
What are three things you enjoy doing outside of work?
I enjoy networking events, reading, traveling with my family, cooking for friends, trying new recipies, making art, swimming or anything active!
What is your favorite part about being an entrepreneur?
Being the person everyone knows they can trust and rely on. I enjoy being exactly the person I say that I am, by doing exactly what I say I will do.