VCWoman Achieve 2025 Mentee Spotlight – Melanie Chapin-Critz

Name: Melanie Chapin-Critz | Business/Profession: Owner & Director, Verbal Eyes
Please share a little about your background, personally and/or professionally.
Over a span of 25 years, I have helped technical and academic clients translate their work into friendly communications and trainings for lay audiences. My work in corporate and university settings has included community research, evaluation of public programs and policies, instructional design, technical writing, and multimedia design.
Please share about your business, where it’s located, and what led you to starting it.
Verbal Eyes is based in Little Rock. I saw a gap in Arkansas between groundbreaking research and real-world impact that I could help bridge. I loved the idea of using professional communications to help improve the lives of people who face social, economic, and medical challenges.
What goals do you hope to achieve for your business during your time in VCWoman Achieve?
The business is growing, but I don’t have a firm-enough handle on the direction of that growth. I’d like to create a 5-year plan that diversifies our client base and provides long-term stability and paths for professional growth among our team.
What drew you to being part of a mentorship group specifically curated for non-men? How has being a woman or non-binary individual impacted your journey as an entrepreneur?
The most rewarding professional settings I’ve worked in have been led by women. While no less ambitious than the male-led teams, the women-led teams have been much more protective of mental health and work-life balance. I want to learn from others who share those values.
What are three things you enjoy doing outside of work?
What is your favorite part about being an entrepreneur?