Giving your team the power to do everything related to their function is critical. As a hands-on person who likes to be involved this is very hard to do but critical for success/growth. Read More
Alto, a technology platform that makes it simple for investors to add alternative assets to their IRAs, today announced that it raised a $2.8 million seed round to expand its offering and integrate additional investment platform partners. Read More
HEXANIKA was selected from over 400 startups, winning the honors of the Best Fintech in India at the third annual Fintegrate Zone 2019 event! Read More
“The 100X exercise helped us put systems in place and prepare for others to run these systems when the time comes. It’s important to think about this regardless of the stage of business you are in. If you're not thinking about processes, you're not building a business. You will just end up building a job for yourself.” Read More
“Setting goals and milestones is a must to keep the team moving. There was a study showing that in a given task and time, you will always use the entire time to perform the task, even when you have exactly same tasks, if you give it two days it will take two days and if you give it a week it will take a week.” Read More
“You must facilitate an environment that is tolerant of mistakes. Without that none of your employees will take a risk and without the willingness to take risks you cannot assert yourself in the marketplace.” Read More