Describe the growth or change your company experienced over the course of the program and the role of the Accelerator in assisting with that growth/change?
With the support of the FIS Accelerator program, we were able to get a lot of intros and meetings with different types of US banks. For us, as a Dutch/international operating company this is a lot of added value. It did help us to qualify the potential for Sygno in the US. Also, it did help to decide on the GTM strategy further for the US market.
How has the FIS/FIV team helped you navigate opportunities within FIS, and how have they been instrumental in making that happen?
They were very helpful. With different people from the FIS/FIV team, we were able to get the right introductions. Also, we had the chance to explain our proposition to different people and they supported us to schedule some meetings. In short: they supported us to explore potential opportunities with(in) FIS.
What advice would you give to companies interested in applying for the program?
This is a chance you should take since in a relatively short timeframe you get a lot of intros to banks/prospects that normally would take much more time. Also, this helps you to validate the proposition of your offering. And it can speed up discussions on a potential partnership with FIS or even other large vendors.