VCWoman Achieve

VCWoman Achieve is a statewide mentorship program bringing Arkansas’s women entrepreneurs the opportunity to develop life-changing relationships to drive professional growth.

What is VCWoman Achieve?

VCWoman Achieve is a mentorship program dedicated to forming meaningful relationships and helping an entire community of women flourish professionally. In VCWoman Achieve, women entrepreneurs who are looking for professional coaching will be thoughtfully matched with seasoned women executives/entrepreneurs and will spend the next 12 months growing together.

The Venture Center and its sponsoring partners Wright Lindsey Jennings, Delta DentalSummit Utilities, US Bank, Arkansas Capital Corp,  THV11, UAMS, Soiree Women’s Symposium, AEDC,  Little Rock Regional Chamber, and Entergy are dedicated to this critical effort!

Key Dates & How to Participate

Throughout the year, VCWoman Achieve will provide monthly opportunities for mentors and mentees to establish long-lasting relationships. Check-ins, events and goals will facilitate progress and organic growth outside of the formal program.

Mentors should meet with their mentees at least one hour a month, whether in person or virtually. Additionally, this is a yearly program introducing new mentees and mentors every year. Mentors should meet with their mentees at least one hour a month, whether in person or virtually. Additionally, this is a yearly program introducing new mentees and mentors every year.

Highlights VCWomanAchieve 2024

From VC Woman Achieve Founders

Thank You to Our Sponsors!