VCWoman Achieve Mentee Spotlight | Mandy French

We are so excited to introduce you to an ongoing series where we celebrate the success and achievements of the amazing members of Woman Achieve. Meet Mandy French one of our mentees!
The Venture Center: What major changes has your company experienced throughout this year-long program?
Mandy French:
We’ve shifted business models (somewhat), and have additional income streams planned for future years, implemented new software/processes/controls, and hired two new people. We’re also on track to grow our top line by almost 50% and our bottom line by 30%.
What value has this mentorship program brought to you both personally and professionally?
What a gift to have a sounding board! Someone who has my best interests at heart knows what I’m attempting to accomplish and can give me an alternative perspective. It is without value – truly priceless.
What’s your favorite piece of advice that you received while in this program?
That I needed to better appreciate the value I myself bring to the table. I work hard to appreciate my partner, our staff, the clients, etc. but my mentor pointed out that I undervalued everything I myself do. I was frustrated with all of the extra tasks I felt like I was doing but had a hard time acknowledging them when it came to delegating other work – will everyone else think I’m doing less than I should if I delegate? My mentor, who is absolutely wonderful, answered with a resounding NO. Only you think that! And as I’ve moved to delegate tasks that can be completed by my team to keep only those things that I must do – our business (and my LIFE) have opened up and blossomed in a truly wonderful way.
What advice would you give to those interested in applying for this program?
DO IT – and then make the space in your calendar and in your mind to fully leverage all of the opportunities you’re given.