
Bring Your Idea to an Origin Session

Turn your idea into a viable business. Start with an Origin session.

Venture Center Origin

Got an Idea?

Origin is your starting point for ideation! Here you will meet with a Venture Center representative to explore your idea(s) and receive information about the local resources available to assist you in your entrepreneurial journey. Learn about lean methodology and apply it to your idea by completing a Lean Canvas. Discover the local programs, networking events, and mentorship available to help you navigate the world of entrepreneurship.

Origin sessions are offered every month by The Venture Center’s expert startup guides. Click “Schedule” below to get started.

Entrepreneur Stats

0 Million

31 million entrepreneurs in the United States Today


The average, successful startup founder is 45 years old

0 %

Rate at which small business failure rate has DECLINED since the 70s

Don't Wait Another Day

You’re dreaming of building a new future. Don’t wait another day to get started.

Have an Idea for Us?

Thanks to Our Sponsors!

Wright Lindsey Jennings FROST, PLLC Little Rock Regional Chamber

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Pitch N Pint

Compete to win cash and connections.


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