VCWoman Achieve Mentor Spotlight | Ashley Capel
We are so excited to introduce you to an ongoing series where we celebrate the success and achievements of the amazing members of Woman Achieve. Meet Ashley Capel one of our mentors!
The Venture Center: What inspired you to participate in VCWoman Achieve?
Ashley Capel:
I’ve worked in the local entrepreneurial ecosystem for a while so I’ve been familiar with the Venture Center and their great work. I’ve learned a lot in my professional career and I want to pass knowledge along to others that can benefit from it. VCWoman Achieve is the perfect opportunity to use the knowledge and experience I’ve gained to help women achieve their goals in business.
What value has this mentorship program brought to you both personally and professionally?
I am not great at speaking and putting myself out there to network and make connections. I originally started coming to the Venture Center workshops to challenge myself to meet people, network, and push myself outside of my comfort zone to grow. It has helped me tremendously and allowed me to meet some amazing people along the way.
What growth have you seen in both your mentee and yourself throughout this program?
Miya is starting to see her business model come together with more clarity. Her business, being a semi-pro basketball team, is not an everyday business. It has trial and error, plus making things up along the way. With season 3 now behind them, she is able to reflect and see where they’ve been and where they are headed. I’ve also seen a lot of growth in myself with the courage to launch my own business and obtain training that will help me with my future business goals.
What advice would you give to those interested in applying for this program?
It is a truly amazing experience to meet women, support women, grow with women, laugh, learn, and love. When you first meet your mentor or mentee, take the time to get to know each other and build a relationship. It helps build a trusting relationship that makes the rest of the journey easier. This program has been a highlight of my career and I am proud to tell everyone about this experience.