Author Archives: venturecenter

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Hackers Are Targeting Community Banks. Here’s What You Need to Know.

Hackers Are Targeting Community Banks. Here’s What You Need to Know.

While hackers target all financiers, local and community banks are becoming more frequent marks…and email attacks are a weapon of choice.  The truth is cyber bank theft is a daily occurrence, and the rate of breaches at financial services institutions (FSIs) has tripled in the past five years. According to a recent study by Accenture, a bank encounters about 85 cyber attacks each year.  Read More

Posted on: July 16, 2019
Small Changes, Big Results

Small Changes, Big Results

There isn’t any more personal than our personal health and our personal finances. I’ve spent the majority of my career helping people with both, making hard conversations more approachable and taking the stigma out of asking for help. It’s through this process that I discovered my passion for helping others by building a relationship based on trust and support.  Read More

Posted on: July 16, 2019
2019 FIS Fintech Accelerator Demo Day: On Progress and Possibility

2019 FIS Fintech Accelerator Demo Day: On Progress and Possibility

2019 FIS Fintech Accelerator Demo Day is just days away, and the excitement leading up to the big event is palpable. Demo Day is the culminating event of the 2019 FIS Fintech Accelerator and showcases the partnership between Fidelity National Information Services (FIS), the State of Arkansas, and The Venture Center. Together, we continue to make significant contributions with a global impact in the financial technology space. Read More

Posted on: July 15, 2019
Using Social Media to Ignite Social Selling for Your Organization

Using Social Media to Ignite Social Selling for Your Organization

Brands must reach consumers where they are — today it’s all about social media. Consumers want to hear a brand’s social voice, not the cut-and-dried one on TV commercials and billboards. In your quest to grab consumers’ attention in this distraction-heavy media landscape, build that social voice by letting your employees speak for your brand on social media. It’s called social selling and it works. Read More

Posted on: July 9, 2019
#FounderFeature w/ Heather Holmes, Founder + CEO of Genivity

#FounderFeature w/ Heather Holmes, Founder + CEO of Genivity

The idea for the company came to me when I was working in a hospital and was called in for a procedure. One day, we had a tough case that according to the doctor wasn’t looking good. After what seemed like a successful procedure, the patient’s pressure started dropping, and as it turned out, there was a lot of bleeding that we could not stop. The patient died as I was standing right there. As I was leaving the hospital, I walked past the patient’s family who were still unaware that their loved one had died. I remember all their legs and feet, and remember thinking the condition had a very strong family history component to it, which meant some of the family members had the same condition.  Read More

Posted on: July 1, 2019
Top 5 Reads from the #FISFintech Entrepreneurs

Top 5 Reads from the #FISFintech Entrepreneurs

It was a privilege to hear from five entrepreneurs participating in the 2019 FIS Fintech Accelerator program and as they shared insights on how to thrive in the fast-paced pursuit of startups. Each entrepreneur shared candid advice on how to navigate professional relationships, challenge self development by breaking out of their comfort zone and staying proactive as they scale. For those who missed this informative session, we’ve compiled a list of their top book recommendations that have shaped how they work and succeed personally and professionally. Read More

Posted on: June 26, 2019