FIS Founder Spotlight | Neural Payments

The FIS Fintech Accelerator in partnership with the Venture Center brings bankers, subject matter experts, and financial service executives together with pre-vetted, market-validated fintech companies to advance the financial services industry. We are so excited to introduce you to an ongoing series of meetings with the incredible alumni of our accelerator, and the impact they’re making today in the fintech industry.
Describe the growth or change your company experienced over the course of the program-what was your starting/ending point, did you create new products, modify your roadmap, execute new bank deals, etc?
New Partnerships were initiated and signed with distribution partners as well as FISs. Increased market exposure and brand awareness significantly.
How did you act on the feedback from the banks and SMEs? Did your strategy in pitching to banks change over the course of the 12 weeks?
Simplified our messaging, and pivoted on the visual representation of our PPTs and materials.
How did you collaborate and/or connect with other cohort companies and how did those connections help your company?
The cohort became not just a group of peers, but more like family. We have since stayed connected, and participate in ideation sessions to this day. We have begun a joint POC with one of the members of the cohort that will strengthen our value prop and solution.
What advice would you give to banks thinking about visiting the program? (i.e., how do you think a visit can benefit banks)
Great way to learn about up-and-coming technology and fintech solutions in a TRUSTED environment that is not a hard sell, but a collaborative environment. Quick and easy way to sift through the noise because the VC team does the work of selecting the 10 best from the start!