Spark! Meet the Founder | Whitney Gray, Whit’s End

Posted on October 4, 2021
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Welcome to our Spark! Meet the Founder series, where we introduce you to the amazing entrepreneurs who are participating in our Spark! 2021 program with a quick Q&A!

Spark! is a small business pre-accelerator that puts the right people, opportunities, and access in place for local entrepreneurs in Arkansas to grow their venture to the next level. 

Please meet Whitney Gray, founder of Whit’s End! Whit’s End is a professional, KonMari certified organization service! 

The Venture Center: Why did you become an entrepreneur?

Whitney Gray: I became an entrepreneur because I discovered a very accessible path to wellness-The KonMari Method of tidying and organizing a home or business–and I am determined to teach it to anyone who will listen!

TVC: What problem does your business solve? 

Gray: My business solves the problem that we all face at some point in our life: overwhelm due to disorder in our homes or business, as well as overwhelm with physical clutter. 

I believe these factors hold too many of us back from living our best lives and it is my mission to efficiently, empathetically, and compassionately lead my clients back to a life that sparks joy for them by decluttering their home space or place of business.

TVC: What are your hopes for your future as an entrepreneur?  

In the future I hope to develop my own line of affordable organizing tools and bins.

TVC: What are you most proud of and/or what is your biggest challenge in your entrepreneurial journey?  

Gray: I am very proud to be one of only two KonMari Consultants in the state of Arkansas.  My biggest challenge on my entrepreneurial journey so far has been getting the word out to the masses that the KonMari Method is one of the most accessible paths to wellness!

Huge thanks to Whitney Gray for participating in Spark! We can’t wait to see your business grow! Sign up for our newsletter and follow The Venture Center on social media to keep up with our Spark! 2021 cohort!