VCWoman Achieve Mentor Spotlight | Joy Springer
We are so excited to introduce you to an ongoing series where we celebrate the success and achievements of the amazing members of Woman Achieve. Meet Joy Springer one of our mentors!
The Venture Center: What inspired you to participate in this program?
Joy Springer:
It was an honor for me to be personally contacted by Mimi to consider participation as a mentor. One of the best decisions that I have made to accept the invitation. I have enjoyed meeting women across the state of Arkansas who are achievers and continue to achieve!
What value has the mentorship program brought to you both personally and professionally?
I have enjoyed meeting women across the state of Arkansas who are achievers and continue to achieve!
In some instances, I have been able to make some recommendations to my mentee(s) that have caused their respective businesses to grow. It was a challenge this past year to have a mentee whose business, if she is able to receive the proper funding, will be historical regarding services that she will be providing.
What growth have you seen in both your mentee and yourself throughout this program?
My mentees have definitely grown. One mentee openly a successful business downtown to provide tutoring services to children and eventually was able to open another satellite office to provide services in other communities of the state. The other mentee continues to work to establish business by securing assistance wherever available in hopes that someone will bless her with the funding necessary to establish the business of her dreams. We will continue to stay in touch with each other and continue to encourage each other that one day our dreams will become reality.
What advice would you give to those interested in applying for this program?
To spend as much time possible with your mentee/mentor. By doing so, we have built a relationship that causes us to encourage the other with respect to the goals we have set in life to be accomplished.